Photo By Darren McGee- Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
May 15, 2020 By Michael Dorgan
Governor Andrew Cuomo has extended New York state’s stay-at-home order for another two weeks.
The new PAUSE order–which was signed Thursday night–extends the existing May 15 stay-at-home requirement until May 28 for half of the state’s 10 regions, including New York City.
The PAUSE order has been in effect since March 22 to curb the spread of COVID-19.
The decision means that only essential businesses in five of the state’s 10 regions are permitted to reopen– and all non-essential workers in those regions will be required to continue to work from home. The regions still subject to these requirements are New York City, Long Island, Western New York, the Capital District and the Mid Hudson.
The five other regions will begin phase one of their respective reopening today having met the state’s seven health-related requirements. These regions are Central New York, North Country, Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, and Mohawk Valley.

Photo: Courtesy Of Gov. Cuomo’s office
New York City has only met four of the state’s seven metrics required to begin phase one re-opening but is on the right track, Cuomo said.
“All the arrows are pointed in the right direction and now the question becomes focused on reopening – people have to get back to work and the state needs an economy – but we have to make sure we don’t reopen too soon,” Cuomo said Thursday.
To meet the state’s threshold, a region must show a decline in hospitalizations and deaths over a 14 day period. A region must also have at least 30 percent of both hospital beds and ICU beds available and must also have sufficient levels of diagnostic and contact tracing capacity.
Cuomo said the state will continue to monitor the benchmarks before allowing the test of the state to reopen.
“We are doing this in a calibrated way and monitoring the data, facts and metrics every single day and using the lessons we’ve learned from others who have already gone through this,” Cuomo said.
The Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, Mohawk Valley, the North Country, and Central NY are ready to begin Phase 1 of reopening tomorrow.
The others can be UN-PAUSED the moment they hit their benchmarks.
New Yorkers be proud. Your actions bent the curve. pic.twitter.com/zSJ5YpyTGY
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) May 15, 2020
With ever shifting goalposts, the Bozo Brothers — Cuomo and DeBlasio — are on the cusp of a tidal wave of small business failures in NYC, yet they continue to double- and triple-down on their failed policies. Here’s the short version of what we now know 100% for sure:
1. Anyone under 25 is essentially immune. Why close the schools?
2. Anyone under 50 without serious pre-existing conditions is essentially immune. You may get sick, you won’t die.
3. Anyone over 60 with pre-existing conditions should continue to self-isolate.
4. Anyone over 70 should self-isolate altogether for at least a few more weeks. (Nice job sending the infected back to nursing homes Cuomo — you killed thousands by your stupid order.)
Bottom line: we can 100% open backup up WITHOUT stupid social distancing and mask protocols that do little or nothing, as long as groups 3 and 4 take precautions. We could have done this two weeks ago. But since the Bozo Brothers have staked their political reputations on their already stupid decisions, they just double and triple down on their destructive policy decisions. Cowards or scoundrels? Or both?
Excellent post.
More suffering will happen due to people going broke and people worrying about how to dig themselves out of the economic hole that Cuomo continues to dig for us than the suffering from the virus.
If you are under 65, not overweight and don’t suffer from pre-existing coronary or respiratory issues you don’t really have to worry. If you don’t fit that category please do the best you can to protect yourself – if that means not going to parks at crowded times then don’t go to parks – if that means wearing masks everywhere, just do it. As per yesterday’s NY Times article, there is very low probability of getting coronavirus from walking outside – even if, god forbid, someone without a mask gets near you for a few seconds.
In the meantime everybody should just wash their hands with soap and warm water as often as needed and stay home if they feel even slightly ill for the next couple of weeks.
Full NYC stats are here – note that we are WELL BEYOND flattening the curve:
Masks don’t protect YOU from the virus, they protect OTHER PEOPLE from getting the virus FROM YOU when don’t even know you have it!
It doesn’t take 1,000 coronaviruses to infect someone. It doesn’t take 100. It doesn’t take 10. It only takes 1. Think about that next time someone stands nears you without a mask on.
Not everyone over 60 can self-isolate. A lot of older people are alone and still go food shopping for themselves, visit the doctor, the pharmacy etc. If the (“essentially immune” as you say) general public is out and about without masks, they can be asymptomatic and be carrying the virus, and thus spread it to these older people.
The elderly will start filling hospitals (and the morgues) again and that’s a bad thing. We don’t want that!
Also, people in their 50s are not essentially immune. 17% of Americans 45-64 have diabetes. While you so callously say “you may get sick, you won’t die,” if seniors are filling hospitals, resources will again be strained and these 50 year olds may not be able to get adequate care, and consequentially lose their life.
He took months to respond, now we have RECORD unemployment.
Democrats’fault obviously ?
Otherwise you’d be such a hypocrite we could dismiss you completely!
If you have a single fact, feel free to post it. The baseless speculation is boring.