Court Square Park (Photo: Parks Dept)
Nov. 7, 2019 By Christian Murray
Court Square Park, which is located directly in front of the Queens County Court House in Long Island City, will be undergoing a $4 million makeover and residents are invited to a meeting next week to provide input as to what upgrades they would like to see.
The “scoping meeting” is scheduled for Nov. 14 at the Court Square Library and represents the first step in the design process. The Parks Dept. aims to start construction in the fall of 2021 and complete the project by fall 2022, a spokeswoman for the agency said.

Fountain (Parks Dept.)
The funds will mostly be spent on revamping the plaza area.
The park, which is about half an acre in size, is best known for its majestic fountain in the plaza area. The park also features several lampposts and mature birch trees. There are benches and walkways that lead up to the court house, which was built in 1874.
The scoping meeting, scheduled for 5:30 p.m., will be held by Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer and Parks officials.
“Improving Court Square Park to better serve the growing community is very important and we look forward to the suggestions that come out of this community process,” Van Bramer said in a statement.

Here we go again, Yet another erasing of our history and landmarks in LIC. Why not tear down the courthouse too? Put a dog run or another kids park. Removal of the majestic fountain? Who is in charge of this? They are knocking down every turn of the century house, building and aesthetic of long island city’s storied past. Jimmy Van Bramer should have seen these plans and rejected them outright.
Why can’t all those glass monstrosities just provide “greenspace” on their property and leave our history alone.
I also hope they pave the streets on both sides . They look like war zones with shell craters
The luxury condo developer you voted for promised to “invest $550 billion in infrastructure.”
Oops, total lie! You weren’t gullible enough to believe him were you?
Maybe if Democratic Socialist Communists did their work instead of blocking him at every turn they would have agreed on a infrastructure bill and many other bills.
A republican president with a republican senate, and a republican house, and Trump’s STILL completely ineffective. Sad!
I can’t believe the real estate developer is selfish! Shame people like you support them so much.
Wait, democrats are socialists AND communists? You know those are different things right? Just kidding, of course you don’t.
Once you learn basic grammar like when and when not to capitalize words maybe you’ll understand.
Pave over the dirt walkways, fix the broken tiles, add the missing statues to the court building (separate project), put small trash cans on some trees. The ones on the ground get knocked over, rummaged through, rarely used. Power wash everything.
many residents walk their dogs in this park… I think that will need some consideration.
also the foot paths are all worn down from people cris-crossing.. so new walk paths should be considered…… Needs a real designer & While their at it.. get rid of the PINK Bubble gum statue that disgraces LIC.
Pink statue is great. Overpriced but solid contemporary art that bring color the area and people like to pose with it.
That is the ugliest thing ever. It looks like a pink panther toy that has been chewed by a bulldog. That needs to go!
4 mil for a park Seriously!!!
This is why this city is so divided. You have a park near the project an it gets a 1 mil (if we lucky)make over.Park in a white neighborhood has to price tag it’s just what they want ..does anyone see this cause it’s right there in black n white..
You dont get it…..a park near the project gets the same $4 million too….$1 mill to build it and $3 mill to repair the daily damage those people do to it.
It’s by the court house and across from a restaurant and an office building. Very few residents in the parks immediate vicinity. I see plenty of people of all races and socioeconomic groups utilizing the park the courthouse and office building, thousands of people. You neglected to mention the tens of millions in taxpayer subsidies that go to people just for living in the projects.
The projects get much more then there fair share from the taxpayers. Those that live there pay little if anything, complain like hell, and make the area worse for everyone. Yes, I can see why the city’s divided.
They are building a ridiculously overpriced field house at Queensbridge Park, part of a $6 million park upgrade.
I’ll do it for $2 million.
How can they assure us that it won’t be substandard work, years to complete and go into the millions over budget like any other JVB sponsored project? From what I see the plaza and fountain needs a power washing, a little caulking, trees need pruning, benches need painting and old blubs need to replaced with high beam LED’s light blubs, some new plantings and that’s it. Why can’t they do this with without speading $4 Million dollars????
All I ask is that they leave the fountain