Chancellor Richard Carranza. (New York City Council)
June 19, 2019 By Laura Hanrahan
The New York City Council’s Black, Latino/a, Asian Caucus (BLAC) and Progressive Caucus united yesterday to voice their support for Education Chancellor Richard Carranza after a letter, signed by seven City Council members and two Assembly members, was sent to Mayor Bill de Blasio on Saturday condemning Carranza’s alleged racially divisive actions.
In a joint statement, BLAC and the Progressive Caucus spoke to the complicated nature of Carranza’s work trying to fix a school system that has inequities in education quality, disciplinary measures and school admissions. The caucuses pointed to the leadership shown by Carranza and praised his efforts to try to integrate the school system.
“We need equity, fairness, and diversity in our public school classrooms and curriculum, and the attacks on Mr. Carranza undermine the fulfillment of goals that we as New Yorkers should all be able to embrace,” said Council Member Daneek Miller, co-chair of BLAC.
Queens elected officials appear to be split on the issue of Carranza’s leadership.
Council Member Robert Holden penned the critical letter sent to de Blasio, which was then co-signed by Council Members Karen Koslowitz, Paul Vallone, Peter Koo, and Eric Ulrich. The council members accused Carranza of cronyism in the hiring process and focusing more on “ethnicity rather than efficacy,” calling for his replacement if he is not able to change his ways.
Miller, along with Council Members Jimmy Van Bramer and Antionio Reynoso, however, voiced their support in the caucuses statement yesterday.
“I appreciate Chancellor Carranza’s laser like focus on a system that is fair for every child,” Van Bramer said. “He is taking on some of the most difficult and systemic injustices and he is right to do so. Rather than rushing to judgement and trying to run him out of town, we should be asking ourselves what more we can do to support his efforts to desegregate our public school system.”
The Mayor’s office also voiced support for Carranza while condemning the City Council Members who signed onto the original letter.
“It’s a sad day for New York City kids when lawmakers care more about seeing their names in the press than about our school system,” Press Secretary Freddi Goldstein said in a statement on Monday. “This racially-charged smear campaign is the only thing dividing our city and anyone backing it should be ashamed. We stand with Chancellor Carranza and thank him for all he’s doing to bring Equity and Excellence to all our kids.”
DiBlasio has appointed this man, and does not think he is a problem. That is so typical. Im not a Trump supporter, but Carranza says and does things that are far worse racially then anything Trump has ever said or done. And the Clowns who get on Trump now don’t say a word.
Posters here are missing the point. According to the Ministry of Truth, minorities cannot be racist. Only Caucasians are racist. Anything Carranza says or does is proper. I know it’s true; the Democrat Party told me so.
> minorities cannot be racist
> Only Caucasians are racist
> Anything Carranza says or does is proper
Wow, so many completely wrong fallacies in one argument!
Why not blame bike lanes and AOC though? lmao
Can post a single reason to believe anything you said at all?
If Jimmy Van Bramer had a kid would he send them to Public School? Maybe he would and then use the child as a propaganda tool to get elected for his next governmental job. DiBlasio did it and got elected mayor.
You’re just as offended by that right? Surely you wouldn’t feign outrage just because your most nuanced understanding of politics is “DiBlasio bad?”
The response from the mayor’s office was disgraceful. Kudos to Bob Holden and the others who had the wisdom, courage, and fortitude to pen the letter.
We need to get rid of this racist Carranza ASAP.
Carranza is intolerant and thin-skinned. If you disagree or question him, he calls you a racist. Nice try. Look at his hiring practices. Look at the money being paid to consultants. Look at conflicts of interest. The Post needs to keep the pressure on him. Little Jimmy goes which ever way the wind blows. Thank God for term limits. Soon this lightweight inconsequential man will be gone.
Would anybody expect anything else from Van Bramer? LOL
This guy obviously needs to go. His priorities are in entirely the wrong place for someone leading a schools department. School performance isn’t poor because there are some misguided white teachers and administrators who are insufficiently meek. School performance is poor because there is no disciplined focus in the classrooms, a poor curriculum, and a dysfunctional administration that discourages any competent teaching staff.
HAHA, just kidding. Carranza is a god-send who will expedite the inevitable collapse of the district and thus the union, finally opening up NYC parents to some semblance of public education opportunities for their children. You could privatize the entire thing with zero planning and still end up with a better result three years down the road than we’ll get with this absolute clown show.
Don’t forget the reason our test scores are abysmal… Most of our kids go home to people who don’t give a crap about anything but people respecting THEM!
Carranza is a Clown appointed by a Clown. I am not a Trump supporter but Carranza says and does things that are way worse than anything Trump says racially. Yet the Clowns who get on Trump are suddenly silent. Hypocrites and Clowns. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Get to the root of the problem. Asians get into schools because they study more and have parents who care. So you punish them for that??
This man is anti-white and a DeBlasio Puppet. If you remember the Miami Schools chancellor was picked to take over. He turned down the job after accepting it. I believe he didn’t want to be a DeBlasio stooge.
Wait… He’s Deblasio’s puppet but ALSO is not his stooge?
Your meaningless name-calling is contradictory.
Huh? You really worry about small things don’t you. Basically a Puppet or stooge for DeBlasio is the same thing . DeBlasio controls this racist loser Carranza. Carranza said there was no whiteness mandate. A paper one showed up when I read the Monday Post. There is a whiteness agenda for teachers to read. Carranza needs to LEAVE ASAP. He is the racist Socialist.