Via Greenpoint Fish And Lobster Co. website
June 14, 2016 By Jackie Strawbridge
Owners of a Brooklyn-based sustainable seafood company are slated to set up shop in Long Island City.
Building permits were issued late last month for the alteration of 5-43 48th Ave., under the Solarium Condominiums in the former Uncle Louie G’s Italian Ices location.
The owners are affiliated with Greenpoint Fish and Lobster Co., a fish market focused on domestic and wild caught seafood, with fish offerings changing daily based on the season, fishing conditions and other factors, according to the company website.
Greenpoint Fish and Lobster co-owner Adam Geringer-Dunn declined to comment for this story, stating that it is early in the process and details are still in flux.
This story originally included information from a team member that has been removed after the LIC Post was informed that he misspoke in the details he provided.


Via Instagram
Did this actually open? Anyone?
Great news. I buy my fish in Astoria, which I’ll continue to do, but it will be nice to have a shop in the neighborhood (on my block, no less). The question for me is, will they be able to survive without mostly selling prepared food? The yuppies don’t cook much, or so I’m told.
WOW… The tenants were on me for everything and anything when I owned that location.. Couldnt keep late hours, didnt like lines from walkup window,. Building put” there” trash in front of my store which attracted flies in the summer heat that I had to try to contain for health reasons…. Building wouldnt even accomodate to take the trash out late at night when the store closed..The budget in building would only pay a part time portor so it went out 1pm in the afternoon… i guess Karma always wins!! Nothing like the smell of fish on a hot summer day !
Your Aunt told me the same thing about how uncooperative they were.
It’s a shit building as are most of the condos here. Unfortunate they weren’t willing to help so you could succeed.
Best of luck, Mark
Thank you.. 😉
So excited for this! I have been to the one in Greenpoint as well. Was bummed when Louie g went out if business but this is an awesome, welcome addition!
Neighborhood has been lacking quality seafood for a long time. They do have good lobster rolls. Have gone over the Pulaski for those before.
Great, great news! Something we truly need. SO happy its not another nail salon or real estate office!
Cool addition to the neighborhood, but I’d hate to live above it.
Why can’t people catch their own fish? Why do we need a fish market when the East River is a few blocks away? Talk about an unnecessary luxury!
I hope this was a joke…
This is the best news I have heard in awhile about LIC! I have been before in Greenpoint and the quality is A++. I’ll be one of the first customers!! Now we just need Fleishers or another great local butcher.
A butcher would be great. If only the retail prices weren’t so overinflated
See, now THESE are the type of things that are welcome additions to the neighborhood AND will actually do well….Not those ridiculous brunches or experimental themed menus.
Or another ice cream store. That landlord promised us something that would improve the general retail disparity in our neighborhood
Another ice cream store? Do u not pay attention? The only ice cream joint that’ will ever be successful in lic is baskin robins….ice cream shops are incredibly difficult to sustain…just ask malu
Great, great addition to the hood. The garbage from this store is going to smell like hell though.
Solid addition!
Their delivery trucks don’t actually stop on 50th Avenue, they double park on the wrong side of 5th Street in front of LIC Kids and wheel their wares down the street in squeaky metal crates. Basically, they flout every street safety rule in an already dangerous intersection. Welcome to the nabe! And I thought we were moving away from being a neighborhood of warehouses.
No, this is still a mixed use zoned neighborhood and I will take a warehouse over a luxury high-rise any day!! This neighborhood is becoming over developed, we do not have the infrastructure to handle the numbers of people. Besides, warehouses provide jobs. As they say, don’t like it? Move?
Ditto. At least the warehouses go to good use most of the time for local business. Besides the ones being converted into restaurants
This place is awesome in greenpoint. Oyster happy hour, brunch great fish to eat in take out. And cool hats. Wow! Can’t wait!
Wow! What a great location. I can’t wait for them to open. I hope they sell their lobster rolls…
Would love a fish store like this in Woodside ..
Could been a bowling alley for fish
Should we feel bad for the tenants?
Obviously you are a tenant and don’t like it. Tough luck!