Long Island City High School (Google Maps)
June 5, 2019 By Meghan Sackman (Updated 2:07 p.m.)
Long Island City High School was evacuated this morning after an unidentified man called the school saying there was a bomb inside the building, according to the police.
Police arrived at the high school, located at 14-30 Broadway, around 11:30 a.m. to search for explosives, shortly after the bomb threat was called in. A sweep was conducted and nothing was found.
Broadway was closed to traffic between 21st Street and 14 Street during the search. The area has since reopened.
*UPDATE* Broadway between 21st Street and 12th Street has been re-opened. There was an emergency at Long Island City High School, everyone is safe. We thank all for their cooperation.
— NYPD 114th Precinct (@NYPD114Pct) June 5, 2019
Although the drill was incredibly disorganized and unsafe, do not patronize our school in academics or “unable to be college ready”. LICHS is a majority minority school, in the heart of Astoria queens, a diverse city. The 3,000 students in my school couldnt do serious harm to anyone, shame on some adults in this thread for bashing the students for being unsafe. Although there has been many altercations during the time I got my education, I do not regret my time spent in LIC. The Culinary program allows students to become “life ready” and get “basic math skills” (as previously stated incorrect in the thread”. We do not appreciate the hate towards a school that many adults had never set foot in. I appreciate every student in LICHS for being so open hearted and accepting to all. And regarding the academic programs, the staff try their best to insure a proper education. Although I disliked a couple of teachers in the science department, they STILL gave me a good education. Thank you for your time.
Hopefully , emergency evacuation procedures for something like this can be reviewed. Concerned parents & students should reach out to the District 30 Superintendant & possibly police/ community liaisons. Thanks to teachers & staff who did their best. Doesn’t LIC HS have a mass text system like Remind, etc??? Absolutely necessary ! My child’s public school has emergency locations for kids to be directed to as part of their Disaster Plan. Yes, schools are supposed to have disaster plans. They rehearse some of these situations, too….I’m old enough to remember a case similar to that at high school, decades ago. By the end, kids jokingly chanted”Hell no, we won’t go”, when instructed to go back inside. But it’s a crazier world today. Communication is vital,and doable.
Yerrrr. Don’t diss my school like that, PERIOD.
LIC, has to get together with there staff security and all hearing what goes on in the school and outside is horrible last year kids text each other for warnings I personally told my daughter go home now and as well what happened this time…
Heard LIC HS has a Day Care Center on the premises not for the children of the teachers but for the 14 through 17 year old girls who already have children and want to continue their education, problem is there is a waiting list and not enough space, seems they missed the sex education class and ways to avoid pregnancy. A very small percentage of the 2019 LIC HS graduating class ready for College, the majority won’t make it in the professional world, they can’t do basic math which is required of most trades like the electrical, plumbers or carpenters Union, so you see we are in big trouble and the Mayor and Chancellor want to dumb down the Specialized HS. The Public NYC school system stinks, but the parents are to blame as they fail to make demands of their own kids they fail to work with them, do the homework and the expectations are low. A third world students attending a 3rd world education system in a 1st world city.
How is students having kids LICHS fault? You are also missing the point of this daycare. It’s purpose is to help is to provide child care services for students who want to obtain a diploma. If it weren’t for this service, many of these young moms would have become drop outs. So, again, I’m not sure how you did you come up with this idea that LIC encourages early pregnancy? Also, is it a school’s job to parent a child? Shouldn’t this come from home? Shouldn’t parents be involved in their child’s education and well being? Lastly, you are commenting on whether or not these girls/moms attended their sex education class so they can avoid pregnancy; so you are saying that it is their fault that they are pregnant?
The grammar/spelling in some of these comments which are clearly from school officials or staff is utterly atrocious.
//weeping for the future
Imagine someone does this again on Friday
Turns out the bomb was an old Chevy Chase VCR tape.
Nothing but trouble, I bet.
Thank you the school, for making us wait so fucking long, outside in the hot summer day, good thing I left early, didn’t stay in longer, next time plz let everyone go home, don’t make them stay in the outside and wait, with out any updates.
As a paraprofessional that works at the site, the lack of communication was disgusting. There is a separate school entity working within LICHS, 993. We were not told of the threat and our AP made terrible decisions, breaking many protocols in the process. Upon evacuating the building and the school vicinity, she had the children wait inside a T-Mobile store, which was less than a quarter-mile from the school. She was offered valid alternatives by LICHS staff and denied most of, if not all. Staff and students alike were waiting for about 3 hours.
That’s awful. It sounds like it was a failure on many fronts.
Look everybody who’s attended the school do yourselves a favor and transfer schools…LICHS is seriously the worse high school you can get into…students fighting, being bullied, teachers don’t take attendance for shit, like seriously take my word for it, they school would hold you back for another year for no reason, I’ve been through it, that school is the worst school I’ve ever dealt with
As a proud LICHS teacher, I can easily say that whatever you are claiming about my school, is not true. I’m not sure when you attended the school, since you aren’t identifying yourself, yet you are making these false statements; my colleagues and I work really hard to support our students and our community. As for the evacuation, we were told to evacuate and be away from the school. My school put children’s safety first and teachers and other staff members ensured that everything went accordingly even though there was police activity down the block seizing the ice cream trucks.
I just want to say, shame on you for saying things like this. Instead of thanking the staff for ensuring that all of our children are safe, especially in today’s political climate and in country with so many shootings, you are besmirching my school.
Well at first they told several staff and teachers to go in the Auditorium. Happy nothing happened since we order to go in auditorium and not straight outside. Good job lichs for not knowing what to do at first.
I work there and there was no order for people to go to the auditorium we went out the doors with 2000 kids and no one got hurt or lost thank God
Your lying. 993q and some of lichs students were first told to go in there. You must be the person that told us. LIAR
nobody got lost??? one female teacher lost the entire class …the school has no plan for evacuation
This is not true we was told to leave the building and walk at least 4 blocks away so we dont know what u are talking about
Do people realize when the building is evacuated, how impossible it would be to contact thousands of parents from outside the building? Since all your kids use their cell phones all day long anyway, maybe they could have contacted you to let you know they were ok
Although teachers do take students phones for extra credit or so that the students aren’t distracted in class so not every student had their phones on them because no one knew what was going on some students left everything as we where told.
they sent us like 20 emails everyday…thats what i have a plan means teacher with kids outside and one person before living the building sent an email to all parents..it takes like 30 sec
So some kids damaged fence around trees and threw some liquid at my apt house door. Where was the supervision of the students?
Have you ever tried to control 3,000 teenagers who don’t listen to even their parents? But go ahead…blame the staff
who ever thinks is not capable dealing with teenagers just quit…if that threat was real what would you say?? oh teenagers they died cause i cant control them?? quit yesterday
Have you ever tried to tell 3000 teenagers, who don’t even listen to their parents, anything??? Also just because you say kids did something, doesn’t mean they were from that school? Or maybe because they were evacuated, they took it upon themselves to leave??
Yes we tell them all day long to put the phone away so they should have called there parents 25%of the kid were leaving before we got out the door so we could not stop them we told them if they left the would be put in as cutting and they said they told there mom and she told them to go home
We was with the kids outside only so much we could do
did you call the police at all regarding what happened or just write on here –
There were only a handful of teachers that made sure their students were safe and accounted for. My daughter’s teacher would not let her go home until she spoke with me and verified I was in fact her parent.
Students were out for four hours at a park..there was no notification from teachers to parents…what was the point of waiting there? Safety? what if something had happened??? We would just sent prayers right???
We was with the kids at the park and it was so hot and we the teacher and all staff members were out in the same heat we all had to Sufferbecause of an ass hole who wanted to call and scare people to death so dont think that we was nice and cool and the kids were in the heat we all did it together as wE do everything thanks
as far as i know teachers were sitting with the police eating …and …honestly if you are a teacher and you write like that then i rest my case…..
There’s no way you are a teacher.
Okay, that was extremely stressful. Kids were out in the summer heat and I’m glad they skipped for a good reason. This is scary
Hmm …. and it don’t happens to be Regents week
I see you failed your English regents.
The first grade!