Bernie Sanders
Oct. 15, 2019 By Allie Griffin
This story has been updated on Oct. 16.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders for president at a rally in Long Island City Saturday, according to reports.
Ocasio-Cortez will appear with Sanders Saturday at Queensbridge Park where she will formally endorse him, according to The Washington Post which credits two people with knowledge of her plans as its sources.
Sanders will host the rally at 1 p.m. at Queensbridge Park, located on Vernon Boulevard by the Queensboro Bridge. Access to the rally starts at 11:30 a.m.
Sanders, 78, is back on the campaign trail after taking a break to recover from a heart attack he suffered earlier this month.
The heart attack took place on Oct. 1 after he experienced chest pain at an event in Las Vegas. Doctors inserted two stents to clear a blocked artery.
He told reporters outside his home the following week that he would slow down the pace of his campaign.
“We were doing, you know, in some cases five or six meetings a day, three or four rallies and town meetings and meeting with groups of people,” Sanders told the New York Times. “I don’t think I’m going to do that.”
Sanders has held a rally in Long Island City before. In 2016, he went to Hunters Point South Park when he was battling it out for the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton.
Ocasio-Cortez’ office could not be reached for comment.

Queensbridge Park (Photo: NYC Parks Dept.)
We don’t have to call people names, you can just act like an adult if you prefer.
To all of you that want Bernie/AOC type Socialism. Are you not American???? Your relatives in the past did not die for Socialism. They died so you and I could live FREE. Watch what you wish , you may not like it as it has been proven in other countries that it does not work. Hong Kong is fighting for what you want to GIVE UP! Bernie and AOC’s faces I can still see when Trump said THE USA WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST COUNTRY at the State Of the Union Address I believe. Both of them looked like frightened school children. Between Bernie’s Policies and MS. Warren’sit will add more Trillions to the National debt. This ill bankrupt your kid and their kids futures. AOC has some Anti-Semitic Statements and Anti-white man statements. She wants to abolish ICE/ She and Bernie and most oft he Democrats want taxpayers to pay for Illegals Health care and just about everything else. Why do we not get a VOTE on this. Ilan Omar is another anti-Israel , Anti-American Loserand trash mouthed Rashida Tlaib, both part of the ODD SQUAD. If you don’t like America go somewhere else, do not ruin it for other REAL Americans. Do you want your city or town to have criminal illegal aliens back on the streets to commit more crimes on the street? Don’t be a FOOL.
Obviously no one’s reading that wall of text, but would “illegals” be as much of a problem if we had the wall the Trump promised.
That Mexico would make a “one-time payment” for?
That the Trump Shutdown of the government was supposed to pay for?
That even failed when he begged Democrats for taxpayer money?
You weren’t gullible enough to believe him, were you?
The FAKE MRLIC wrote the October 18, 2019 comment on only trusting Real Estate Developers.
Bernie is the best choice for America, he has been saying and fighting for the right causes for 40 years. Those who prefer to have the Russian puppet as president should simply stay home and build a wall around the 2 brain cells they have left.
these librals want everything free like socialists i only trust real estate develoeprs not open borders
As a Realtor and a Real Estate Developer, you can trust me when I identify you as a “maroon”, Mister Long Island City.
How appropriate that Bernie is holding his rally across from the projects. Look long and hard at Queensbridge and the homeless hotels nearby…that is where Bernie and the Gang of Four’s economic delusions lead.
And you will see how his campaign and the media will try and focus on the handful that were personally asked to attend and the few that will show up voluntarily. By propping them up behind him or focusing on them when they show the supporters. Reminds me of the last election when Hillary was hanging out with Jay Z and Beyonce trying to appeal to minority voters the day before she lost the election.
Placeholder for my response after the rally
Why are the Bronx and Queens lumped together in the same district? It doesn’t make any sense. I live in Queens, in a middle class neighborhood, not in the “Boogie Down” Bronx. AOC is from the Bronx and should stay there. She’s already done enough damage to Queens with her immaturity and lack of experience. How many jobs has she actually created through her own actions in government? And which area would she favor, either the Bronx or Queens, if a choice between the two has to be made? First Trump and then AOC. Aren’t there any qualified people in NYC who would make good politicians?
Do you know what a member of Congress does? She represents our interests in US government. She is not responsible for bringing jobs to an area. That’s the job of the city and state. She also does not appropriate funds to a specific neighborhood. The only valid point is that the district borders don’t make much sense.
They are put in place to make sure that as a whole a district is more racially and economically diverse. Thus, making sure that some majority “white” middle class neighborhoods who may have a higher percentage of voting republican are outnumbered by “minorities” and poorer neighborhoods who tend to vote democrat.
Absolutely Out of Control isn’t responsible for creating jobs in Queens or the Bronx, but why would she not want the 25,000 jobs that Amazon was going to create? Doesn’t seem like she the best interest of her constituents in mind.
We need a progressive coalition to save the American people from corporate clowns and far gone lunatic trump cultists.
De Blasio is a Progressive and AOC also, all LOSERS. I think we do not need Progressives as they are more Regressive than anything.
I really hope Bernie or Warren is the democrat candidate for 2020. It would be great for the entire world (including the US) to have a president that actually cares about people and human lives. Contrary to the “bubble” that the US political system is, Bernie is a centrist (for international standards) and pragmatic candidate who proposes actual solutions (medicare for all, tuition free college are policies that literally every single developed nation has); unlike the war-monger, authoritarian and sell-out establishment politicians from the republicans and also the democrats.
I really hope that these endorsements help Bernie in the polls.
Senator Bernard Sanders is barely getting past 15%. This race is going to be between Pocahontas and Sleepy Joe Biden.
That forced meme never really took off. The racist “Pocahontas” meme was really popular with Trump lovers though.
It was quite a bit more “racist” (a meaningless term anyway) for Warren to fake an identity in order to get a fat-paying Harvard job as their one-and-only Native American professor. The Pocahontas meme was successful because (1) it makes a perfectly valid point and (2) it’s funny as heck. Too bad Progressives are humorless school marms. Like Warren.
You were just as offended when Trump told 2 native-born American congresswomen to “go back to their own country (the USA)” because they were brown?
You’re not just pretending to be offended by Warren? Who has Cherokee blood in her DNA test and publicly apologized?
Trump apologized for the racist Birther movement right? Oh, he didn’t? You’re offended by that right?
Why is the right so fragile?
And there goes his run…being backed by the squad is not what the DNC wants…just watch
This is the meaning of courage and patriotism. AOC is showing her true colors by not just waiting to endorse the “front runner”. I am so happy to see this endorsement taking place! See you at the rally!
AOC is a breath of fresh air.
You must be a Socialist?Communist. Do you not know whom and what you are voting for. These LOSERS are anti Americans. Did you not see the DEMOCRATS spitting at and Punching Trump supporters coming out of a Trump rally in MINNESOTA last week? These DEMOCRATS yelled Kill a cop save a life, USA is boring, US A-Hol-s. Hong Kong is fighting for FREEDOM with American Flags and singing our National Anthem and you loser Progressive Liberal Democrats want to give up your Freedom. Not one Democratic Candidate on that Debate Stage this week had a American Flag or Pin. I did not see one on stage either. Most of these Candidates are Anti-Americans.
Do you even know what post you’re commenting on?
Hong Kong citizens are more aptly defined as Progressives and Liberals – fighting against a repressive regime bent on stifling freedom and crushing the kind of free speech championed by Senator Sanders.
This could be huge if this leads to AOC & Co. helping Bernie with the sorts of voters he has been having trouble gaining traction with.
This is the Moment of Truth we have been waiting for, stand up for the ONLY Candidate that can bring real change to America and make our Nation a more Egalitarian place to live. BERNIE SANDERS – 2020
You do know that Bernie Sanders is a pretty rich person.Doesn’t sound like a socialist to me.
Tell that to billionaire Tom Steyer who during the recent debate agreed completely with Senator Sanders about wealthy Americans responsibility to pay their fair share of taxes.
Rich people can’t exist in socialism right? How gullible.
Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production. It’s different than Democratic Socialism. If you had any idea what words meant your feelings wouldn’t be hurt.
Can’t wait for the Warren twitter squad to start railing against AOC for being sexist.
Incorrect call – it hasn’t happened yet. This battle is not between Senator Sanders and Senator Warren – it’s between Progressive ideas and corporate ideas.
What is wrong with the guy? How many times does he need to be rejected before he gets the message?
Less than Biden and Hilary!
It appears that Bernie recovered from his heart attack but don’t shout “boo” or “freebie” – it will set him off again.
Bernie’s illness showed his humanity. They saw that he was carrying the weight all by himself and was paying for it with his health. It was the right thing for AOC to do by stepping up and lending a hand.
Bill Clinton had a quadruple bypass (much more severe than what Bernie had) back in 2004, and he’s still fine. You can find him playing baseball regularly on social media. And obviously, he is also very sharp mentally. Bernie Sanders is fine in health, both mentally and physically. If he loses, it won’t have anything to do with his health.
I know Old Lily is heartless but this is a new low. You didn’t vote for the septuagenarian president did you? Otherwise you’d be an embarrassing hypocrite.
There are no hashtags on this site, do you have any kids that can help you with computers?
Once again Jimmy Van Bramer demonstrates remarkable ineptitude in supporting candidates in primary races. With his most current meal ticket AOC supporting Bernie Sanders, Van Bramer’s recent endorsement of Elizabeth Warren will put him in the dog house of Queens progressives. Jimmy should drop his bid for Borough President and reapply ASAP for his incredibly high paying former job at QPL. Word of advice: Jimmy make sure Thomas Galante’s name is not on your resume.
So we want our taxes to skyrocket now in the hopes that someday magical government run programs will function better than the DMV and save us all?
Cost of Medicare 4 All : $36 Trillion dollars over 10 years.
Cost of staying with HMOs with high deductibles and 87 million uninsured or underinsured : $51 Trillion dollars over 10 years.
All the countries who have a government-run health care system have : 1. greater longevity, 2. lower infant mortality rate than our United State for-profit system.
I love Medicare and want everyone to have the great health care coverage I have.
Healthcare isn’t the reason for longevity, it’s lifestyle and genes. Don’t get sick in one of these countries, because you will have to wait on a list. I know this because I have relatives that have come from Europe for operations in the U.S. because we have the most advanced healthcare in the world.
“Yeah what do doctors have to do with health?” — what Trump lovers ACTUALLY believe
DMV works just fine. Make an appointment online and get your license in 20 minutes. Does the private sector always work well for you? AT&T? Uber losing billions every years and causing traffic? Airbnb losing billions and raising real estate prices, making people homeless? Most of Trump’s companies have gone bankrupt. Fox News is legally not even news and most of what’s said is false or opinion. Alcohol, tobacco, and drug companies lie and contribute to many deaths.
Bernie doesn’t seem to know that the majority of US voters is too dumb to understand the difference between socialism and “democratic” socialism. He is doomed. What his role models, Scandinavian countries have, is in no way Socialism. It’s Social Market Economy! Market Economy = Capitalism.
Need protesters to attend this Sanders / AOC rally. Tell people that Socialism is wrong for the United States and does not work. Their ideas like the Green New Deal are unworkable, and if implemented would bankrupt the country. Promote free market solutions to climate change and healthcare. Some government programs are necessary, but not at the expense of wrecking the economy.
And when we all die in a climate change induced hurricane or what have you, I hope you good ol’ boys will be happy that at least the economy has survived
I would be too risky to say that to his mob.
Oh wait that was the white supremacist Trump rally. Why do you think his mob is risky?
I imagine this anti-socialist is returning his social security check to the US government, right? Is he also refusing to take out a driver’s license? and is he also against the oversight of companies that list in the stock exchange? Ah, yes..forgot the 5 day work week and laws against child labor…my those were the good old “anti-socialist” days were they not?
Come and listen. You will be much better informed. Look for me – I’ll be the 6’6″ guy with gray hair and beard. Come over and say hello.
> Need protesters to attend this Sanders / AOC rally
What’s stopping you from going? Unless, you have no integrity at all?
And the wealthy pay their fair share.
Great man freeloaded off welfare until he was 50.
If your kids went to schools or if you drive on the roads or enjoy police protection because of the tax dollars I pay . . . . “You’re welcome !”
Where did you read that? You think he was on welfare while Mayor of Burlington?
maybe he can present a slideshow to the welfare people in the projects about his three homes and millionaire lifestyle while pretending to be a socialist…i think we should re-distribute his wealth to fulfill his dream of a socialist utopia…we can have a bbq/kegger in astoria park….social justice!!
Isn’t it ironic that wealth is to be applauded when fellow-right-wingers have it – but pooh-poohed when left wingers have it. Look at Tom Steyer – a billionaire who agrees totally with Senator Sanders on obligating billionaires to pay their fair share ?
I think it goes the other way. Liberals applaud Hollywood/British Royals wealth (left) and despise business creators’ (right) wealth.
I have never been able to figure out why anyone – left, right, etc. – could be interested in anyone’s wealth – British, Hollywood (left-leaning or right-leaning).
Creative people – business or otherwise – are interesting to me . . . but not their wealth.
Exactly what is their fair share, and who the hell are you to decide what their fair share is?
During the Eisenhower Administration, the top tax rate was over 90%. It was reduced to around 40% during the Kennedy Administration. I believe that would be a fair top tax rate.
Do you know what the top tax rate is now, Anon ?
What do you think would be a fair share for the wealthiest to pay ? You are also entitled to your opinion.
Still waiting to hear what you believe the top tax rate should be . . .
AOC will endorse Bernie. No surprise. Both unlikely to survive their primaries.
AOC is here to stay and Progressives will accept your “Oops !” in advance.
If Joe Biden is your favorite in the Democratic Presidential Primary, he will be mailing in his endorsement of Hillary Clinton soon. Two corporate widgets.
Another angry Bernie Bro who handed us Donald Trump. Where’s your apology for that?
I stand by my prediction. And add that Bernie won’t win NY.
Bernie is the only candidate truly interested in working people. Not like the fake Elizabeth Warren.
Go Bernie!!
Warren is my second choice behind Sanders. I’m glad they’re providing cover for each other – with a boost from billionaire Tom Steyer.
The librals have cost the taxpayer enough with their socialism. KOREA is socialist. Trump is a capitalist and will build a wall someday.
Bernie doesn’t support the Korea kind if socialism, sir. He supports the Scandinavian kind of government. For decades, the most happiest people live in those countries. Not in the US, sir. Unfortunately, most US voters are as dumb as you are and don’t know the difference. So Bernie is doomed for using the wrong term for a superior form of government.
And that pay raise which our military personnel would have gotten before Trump stole it for a couple of miles of tinker toy wall will again lose the respect of a well-earned pay raise for each additional couple of miles.
Trump will be behind a wall someday. He betrayed our military and it’s values with the Kurds. Why do you think so many generals are becoming vocal?
He is a Socialist / Communist/ Democrat just like the others. Also he is another ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT Favoring Loser.
If you can’t make it, here’s the summary ahead of time: Old man yells at cloud.
I wonder why Trump lovers think childish name calling is equivalent to a political statement…
You sir, are nonsensical.
Oh wait you already did. Sooo what’s your criticism? Oh wait, you have none.
clouds are part of the rigged racist system and controlled by white people with their privilege to deprive brown people of the sun…we need to implement the new green deal to eradicate weather bias and give me access to resources so I can buy a Cadillac SUV with gold trim and park it in front of my taxpayer paid apartment in Queensbridge…maybe Bernie will take a selfie with me in front of it
Better to have a spry and thoughtful 78-year-old in the White House than another 70-something with a history of being a corporate sellout.
i’ll bring the Defibrillation. when i shout “clear” can you young socialist step back so poor Bernie can breath.
Didn’t he recover as quickly from the procedure as the average 40-year-old ?
Good point, who’d want a septuagenarian in office, right Trump voter?
Unfortunately, there won’t be a defibrillator because all those young socialists thought someone else was paying for it.
I get what you were trying to do there, but your comment didn’t make sense and therefor was not funny.
Oh give it up, Bernie. The money being wasted on this campaign could do so much for so many. Instead, he travels all over the country spewing a message that simply is not going to put him in the White House. Keep moving, keep moving.
A feisty statement from someone whose candidate is far behind Bernie in every poll.
Yes David, please, go down that path. It brings up the sweet, sweet moments of late 2016 when your party leaned full force into the myopic polls. See how much good that did?
Hillary Clinton lost the electoral college vote because she and Trump were the worst two candidates to face one another in a Presidential election in all my years of watching Presidential matters.
Also, why not mention that a sizable portion of people who voted for President Obama twice voted for Trump.
would be a more upbeat rally if the crowd had some of them 40,000 amazon jobs to look forward to for their kids. now they got squat.
They would have had squat anyway. Amazon lies. Ask them to pay some taxes.
If you’ve ever known anyone who works for Amazon, you’ld feel differently.
Clarification of my above comment : Amazon wears out its’ employees then casts them aside.