Photo: Mark Christie
May 7, 2018 By Christian Murray
An art exhibit containing 300 lamps went up Thursday night at Hunters Point South Park.
The exhibit, which is up until May 19, is located at the event space at LIC Landing. The artwork is sponsored by HomeGoods and the lamps displayed are manufactured by the company.
HomeGoods, which has 500 stores nationwide and sells items from bedding to kitchenware, is providing 24-hour security for the exhibit.
The artwork aims to mirror the skyline of New York at night. Signage place next to the exhibit reads: “Notice Manhattan’s skyline and see if you can step back to get these lamps to match it.”
Rob Basch, president of the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy, said the exhibit has generated a great deal of interest.
“This piece has certainly inspired much conversation and while it might not be for everyone we will have two weeks to view it and discuss,” Basch said.
Basch added that the conservancy is a supporter of public art being placed in the park.
Frank “Turtle” Raffaele, a co-owner of Coffeed at LIC Landing, echoed Basch’s sentiment. “People have been talking about it…and incorporating art with the park is fun.”

Frank “Turtle” Raffaele, promotes crowds in the Park to promote the Landing concession, his money-maker beer and wine hall. Working hand and glove with the “Conservancy” which conserves nothing as it generates crowds for its chief benefactor, trash and blaring music noise are the problems generated, instead.
The music goes beyond the sonic boundaries of the concession–there is no peace and quiet in this NYC Park. The trash generated is not properly tended to. For two summers, LIC Landing put up outside tables to sell sangria–no ID checks. Again, no boundaries are respected.
As a charity, the Conservancy does not do what it says–the opposite–it spoils.
The City of New York must have rules for City parks concessions including use. Example: The large wooden terrace was once architecturally open, now is gated with beer spigots installed. Last terrace open space–now taken over by a display meant to attract—crowds. There are also block put up on the City-views sitting benches. Heaven forbid someone sit and enjoy the view without paying up to Mr. Raffaele.
What are they too about the issue of too many kids off-leash in the park? It’s getting ridiculous with all of these wild kids running loose.
Is that supposed to be art? I hope not.
Hey, yuppies, that is NOT art. It’s a paid (outdoor) showroom display for a company that sells lamps. God help this city!
how much is HomeGoods paying for the activation, and where is that revenue being invested to better the Park? More garbage cans/people? More restrooms? Padding pockets?