Oct. 21, 2019 By Christian Murray
The 7-train was the most efficient line in September, according to the MTA.
The MTA touted a number of subway achievements today and noted that the 7 train experienced a 96 percent on time performance rate during weekdays last month.
The on time performance across the entire system was 82.7 percent on weekdays during September, up from 69.4 percent for the same month in 2018. Seven lines achieved figures in excess of 80 percent—with the 7 line topping the list.
The MTA reported that it was the fourth month in a row that the weekday performance rate was above 80 percent.
The agency also announced that the number of weekday major incidents across the system has dropped, falling from 45 major incidents in September 2019 to a record low of 32 last month.
Furthermore, it noted that average weekday ridership came in at 5.77 million, up 4.5 percent over a year period.
“Once again, I am immensely proud of my brilliant team for relentlessly focusing on the basics and working tirelessly to achieve performance gains for our customers,” said Andy Byford, New York City Transit President.
Byford attributed the success, in part, to the MTA’s ‘Save Safe Seconds’ campaign, which was launched in 2018 and saw subway speeds raised. The campaign followed on from the Subway Action Plan, a 2017 initiative that focused on upgrading broken signal equipment, reducing track fires by clearing debris and other needed repairs.
“The MTA’s top priority is increasing the reliability of the system and our workforce has been focused on identifying and fixing track defects, fixing signals and switches, and overhauling train cars…at a faster rate that at any time in memory,” said MTA Chairman Patrick J Foye.