Pre-K Center Q972 / Photo by NYC DOE
Aug. 30, 2017 by Nathaly Pesantez
A newly converted Pre-K space in Long Island City, toured by Councilmember Van Bramer today, will open its doors for the 2017 school year in September.
The Pre-K Center Q972 takes up two floors in a renovated four-story office building at 27-35 Jackson Avenue in Court Square, which will hold 180 seats for students. The School Construction Authority was in charge of the conversion.
“I am thrilled to see this beautiful new Pre-K Center in Long Island City completed in time for the start of the school year,” said councilmember Van Bramer, who also noted that parents are discovering that the neighborhood is a “great place to raise a family” in a statement.
The Pre-K center, part of school district 30, is currently accepting applications for the 2017 school year. For more information, visit the Pre-K center’s site.
The addition of a universal Pre-K center to the Court Square area was announced last year by Van Bramer to accommodate the influx of residents moving into Long Island City—over 11,000 residential units have been constructed in the past decade in the neighborhood.

Photo from the office of Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer
The people who complain about the preschool lunch food are the…? Neighbors? Little preschoolers? Volunteer tutors?
The common weal does not apply for the wealthy and wannabes.
Opting to send my son to PVT school heard the U-pre-k program is garbage and people complain that the school provided food is garbage. They should open a charter school in LIC.
I agree that the school food is not great, however you can send your child with food from home. Nobody is forcing them to eat the school food.
Would love to see a charter school in LIC. Hopefully it’s just a matter of time.
Typical JVB in the pocket of Big Preschool
Of course the photo is from JVB office. It’s a photo op. NEXT: the opening of bird feeders.
our tax dollars at work as usual for JVB —
Yes, tax dollars pay for schools. Hard to believe right?
Where was JVB when the protes to stop East River Bridge Tolling was going on??????