Category: Uncategorized

Waterfront parks group signs up new members, outlines 2015 plans

Feb. 25, By Christian Murray

More than 75 people turned out last night at SHI restaurant for the 2015 launch party of the waterfront parks group.

The Hunters Point Parks Conservancy, which organizes events and helps maintain the waterfront parks,…

Street to be co-named after Tony Mazzarella

Feb 23 By Christian Murray

Community Board 2 has started the process to name a street after Tony Mazzarella, the long-time owner of the Waterfront Crabhouse who passed away late last month.

Former Community Board chair Joe Conley suggested co-naming 2nd Street and Borden Ave.…

Man turns himself in following fatal beating on Vernon Blvd

Feb. 22. By Christian Murray

The suspect involved in the fatal beating of a 32-year-old man on Vernon Blvd Friday has turned himself into police.

Kaheem Addison, a 29-year-old from Huntington Station in Long Island, surrendered to detectives at the 108 police Precinct station house on Saturday.…

Man beaten to death on Vernon Blvd

Feb. 20, Staff Report

A 32-year-old man was beaten to death on the corner of 50th Avenue and Vernon Boulevard this morning, according to police.

The incident occurred near a bodega at about 2:30am when the victim got into an argument with two men who were in a livery cab,…

Massive ‘Mad Men’ exhibit to be on display at Museum of Moving Image

Feb. 19, By Michael Florio

To mark the final season of Mad Men, the Museum of Moving image is bringing a piece of 1950s Madison Ave. to Queens.

The Museum of Moving Image (36-01 35th Ave) will be launching a Mad Men exhibit on March 14 that will include large-scale sets,…

Waterfront Crab House closes– after nearly 40 years in business

Feb. 17, By Christian Murray

The Waterfront Crab House, one of the last vestiges of Long Island City, closed for good Sunday.

The closure comes just three weeks after the owner of the long-time establishment Tony Mazzarella passed away.…