Dec. 5, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
Hunters Point will be lit up once more as the annual Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony comes to the Vernon Mall tonight—for the tenth year in a row.
The ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. at the small park located between 50th Avenue and Vernon Boulevard, and will honor a tradition started by Theresa “Terri” Mona Adams, the late community activist.
The LIC Choir will sing carols during the ceremony, and hot chocolate will be provided by the nearby Casa Enrique.
Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer will also be in attendance, and will do the honors of lighting the tree.
The event, which sees dozens of attendees and community officials, is brought by the Hunters Point Civic Association–led by Brent O’Leary–and the Hunters Point Community Development Corporation, where Adams served as president.